With the recent reports of harassment and misogyny in Hollywood and other high-profile professional settings, I felt that it was important to take this into account in my design. I want to avoid the whole game being swamped with events of harassment, so I will keep the instances of such minimal.
However, this inspired me to name the playable women in the game after prominent feminists, including some of the women brave enough to come forward as part of the #MeToo campaign. Using women who can be considered positive role models, from a variety of historical and geographical backgrounds, will I hope give inspiration to both men and women who play my game.
I have selected the following names for possible characters in tribute to icons of feminism.
Gloria Gloria Allred (1941- ) is an American attorney who specialises in cases relating to the rights of women and members of ethnic and sexual minority communities.
Laura Laura Bates (1986-) is a British writer who founded the Everyday Sexism project to offer a forum for girls and women to express experiences ranging from casual sexist comments to harassment to assault.
Nawal Nawal El Saadawi (1931- ) is an Egyptian doctor, writer, and human rights activist. She has been vocal in criticism of the oppression of women in religious societies, and in particular genital mutilation (both male and female) in Egypt and beyond.
Bell bell hooks (1952-) is an American author and activist. She writes extensively on intersectional feminism, which includes the effects of race, class, and media perception on the lives of women.
Frida Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) was a Mexican artist who is known for raw portrayals of the female form and experience, without the sheen of physical perfection applied by many other artists.
Ada Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was an English mathematician, often described as the first computer programmer for her work on Babbage's Analytical Engine.
Jin Qui Jin (1875-1907) was a Chinese writer and revolutionary, who plotted uprisings against the Qing dynasty, and advocated for freedom of women from oppressive practices such as foot binding.
Bess Elizabeth Tudor (1533-1603) was the Queen of England, who refused to be bullied by her advisers into a marriage that she did not wish or which might cause political controversy, choosing instead to rule alone.
Malala Malala Yousefzai (1997- ) is a Pakistani student who holds the Nobel Peace Prize for her activism aiming to improve the opportunities for the education of girls across the world.