Your eyes only tell part of the story. In SONAR, you will use sound waves to perceive objects and characters around you in what appears to be an empty environment.
You can use any sounds that you make - every step, every shot, every action - to test proximity of a useful object or a dangerous enemy. But be careful, as every sound could give away your location at a crucial time.
To succeed in SONAR, you have to pick your tactics. From extreme stealth, through use of traps and decoys, to high-speed aggression, you have a multitude of choices.
Players can use a variety of actions (movement, shooting, equipping items) and objects (guns, grenades, traps, decoys) to detect their environment and enemy player(s), or to distract and lure their opponent(s).
All sounds will cause visible sound waves, with these varying in size, duration, and appearance depending on the source of the sound.
The game will include deathmatch, objective capture, and treasure modes on a selection of symmetrical and asymmetrical maps.
Players will be rewarded for progress by unlocking new character models, perks, and objects to be available during combat.
SONAR is a multiplayer top-down shooter for PC
in development by Deadly Ping Games
SONAR's initial design was created for application to Dare to be Digital 2016.